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Founding Pastors Gerald and Jolene Cooley

Pastors Jerry and Jolene met at the Covina Assembly of God Church in Covina, California and after a short courtship they were married in October of 1957.  They moved to San Diego, California where they attended the First Assembly of God Church where both became active in ministry as teachers of the Young Married Couples Class. They were eventually led by the Lord to begin a Bible study in their home which led to the founding of Grace Assembly in October of 1975. 

Gerald (Jerry) was born in Schoolcraft, Michigan in 1932, as a middle child of three siblings. He received a BS Degree in Electrical Engineering from Michigan College of Mining and Technology in 1955. He was drafted into the US Navy in December of 1955 and stationed at Miramar NAS in San Diego. Following his military service, he became employed at Teledyne Ryan Electronics until his retirement in 1992 as Senior Vice President of Operations.  Jolene (Hart) was born in Belen, New Mexico in December 1938, and moved to Noxon, Montana in her early years where she also graduated from high school. After graduation she moved to Covina, California and began working with the General Telephone Company until her marriage to Jerry in 1957. They were blessed with two children, Jeanne in 1967 and Gary in 1970. Both children and their families attend Grace Assembly

Spiritual Heritage
Jerry accepted Christ at an early age and was filled with the Holy Spirit at the age of 15.  He became a student of the Holy Scriptures, especially of Bible Prophecy in the early sixties. He has pursued many prophetic studies through the years including the time of serving as co-pastor of Grace Assembly. Jerry’s parents were Assembly of God pastors and his family includes many pastors and educators in religious institutions.  Jolene accepted Christ  at an early age and was filled with the Holy Spirit at age 7.  She was greatly influenced by the teachings of the Grace and Glory Fellowship and has always felt a spiritual call in her life.  She  became a diligent student of the Holy Scriptures in her early twenties. Jolene’s grandparents spiritually influenced her life as ordained ministers of the Grace and Glory Fellowship located in Kansas City, Missouri and founded by A. S. Copley and Mary M. Bodie. Jolene and Jerry were both teachers at First Assembly of God, San Diego for several years and thereafter continued in varied ministries until the call of God to found and co-pastor Grace Assembly in San Diego.

Calling to Grace Assembly
Jerry and Jolene were called to preach the whole council of God with emphasizes on the Pauline Revelation.  They were also led to minister Bible prophecy and felt called to continue the prophetic message  which was first delivered by A.S. Copley and Mary M. Bodie during the latter rain outpour. They are committed to their ministry at Grace Assembly Church which now hosts an online School of the Bible, including Bible courses, charts, and other resources offered at no charge. 

Service Times:

Sunday Services

Bible Study – 10:20 am
Morning Service  – 11:00 am
Evening Service  – 6:30 pm

Wednesday Service

Bible Study – 7:00 pm

Contact Us:

Pastors:  858 277-0710

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