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Distinctive Calling and Mission

Preach the Word
Paul’s exhortation to Timothy “Preach the word;  be instant in season,  out of season;  reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.” 2 Tim 4:2

  • The Church remains under the “one” Headship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as instituted by the “one baptism” of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2. The divine order of the Church was established by the Apostle Paul in Eph 4:3-6. 
  • We maintain that all Scripture is “Holy” and “God breathed.” We do hold to the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible as the “preserved text.”  Please see “Which Translation is God’s Word.
  • We emphasize the “Pauline Gospel” and hold the Apostle Paul, as the  Chief Apostle to the Church by adhering to his order and doctrine in the Pauline Epistles.
  • We believe God’s Word should be without charge.  (Proverbs 23:23)  “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”

Power of the Holy Spirit
We believe in a personal infilling of the Holy Spirit by the believer, as a subsequent experience evidenced by speaking in tongues according to Acts 2:4. We accept this outpour of the Spirit on the Early Church, as the Early Rain.

  • We also support the Latter Rain outpour of the Holy Spirit on the Latter Church commencing in the early 1900’s.
  • We believe the Word of God should be preached under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  • We also hold for a final outpour of the Holy Spirit, as the (H) “Geshem” rain preparing the Latter Church for the coming of the Lord and going out to meet the Bridegroom. See “Rainfall Holy Spirit” and “Seven Good Years.
  • This final move of the Holy Spirit during the Lord’s Parousia (Coming, Presence) will begin with the (G) “Krima” (Judgment of the Church) according to Rev 1,2 & 3. Please see “Spirit Storm.

Prophecy According to the “More Sure Word”
We believe we are in the final generation and will witness the returning of our Lord Jesus Christ to receive His Church and to restore His ancient people, Israel. Therefore, we boldly declare the message of the hour “Behold He Cometh,” first as Bridegroom to the Church and then as King to the nation of Israel.  

  • We hold to “Dispensational Truths” and believe in searching into  the prophetic “times and seasons” according to I Thessalonians 5:1-8 and I Peter 1:10-11.
  • Through searching into “times and seasons” according to the “Seven Millennial Days,” we believe the Church is now standing on the Day of the Lord, as the Seventh Millennial Day from creation of man in Genesis 2:2. The Church is also standing on the Day of Christ, as the Third Redemptive Day since His First Advent. (See Hosea 6:2.) Please see  “Millennial Day Principle.” 
  • We hold Judgment  must begin  at the House of God with the Church, on the  Day of the Lord according to Rev 1, 2 & 3.  Please see our Pastor Page “Standing and Turning with the Apostle John.
  • We believe that on the Day of the Lord, as the Seventh Day,  and the Day of Christ, as the Third Day, the Lord Jesus Christ will be enthroned in heaven according to Revelation 4, as Creator, and according to Revelation 5, as Redeemer. He will be joined by His Church, by rank and order, according to I Thessalonians 4:16-18 and I Corinthians 15:23.   Please see “Order of the Resurrection and Translation.
  • We believe after the Lord Jesus Christ is enthroned in heaven. He  will descend and place His feet on Mt. of Olives ushering in the Millennial Kingdom Age under spiritually restored Israel. Please see “Progressive Coming of the Lord.

Service Times:

Sunday Services

Bible Study – 10:20 am
Morning Service  – 11:00 am
Evening Service  – 6:30 pm

Wednesday Service

Bible Study – 7:00 pm

Contact Us:

Pastors:  858 277-0710

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