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Statement of Faith

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
(2 Tim 3:16, 17 KJV)

The Holy Scriptures

The Holy Scriptures are “God breathed” and are the final revelation of God to man and therefore, the source of all revelation, doctrine, and faith and a guide for Christian conduct. No scripture is of private interpretation and must be interpreted as part of the whole body of scripture. (At Grace Assembly, we hold to the Authorized King James Version of the Bible as the preserved text.)

The Tri-unity of God

The Eternal Godhead consists of three members: God the Father, God the Son “the Word made flesh,” and God the Holy Spirit. While they are separate and distinct in personality they remain “one” in nature and in the purposes as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and are to be worshipped as the One True God.

God the Father

God, the Father is the “Originating Cause” of all the divine purposes as defined in His Eternal Decree, or Plan, and as revealed through the Holy Scriptures. All things in God’s universe, whether it has to do with the natural or spiritual realms, originate from the Father through the Son by means of the Holy Spirit.

God the Son
“The Word made flesh…” (John 1:14 KJV)

God, the Son is the “Instrumental Cause”, or Product, as determined by the Divine Decree. He was conceived in the womb of a virgin, by the Holy Ghost and was born without sin as the “Only Begotten Son of God.” He died on the cross shedding His blood for sin, was buried and was raised from the dead by the power of God on the third day as the “First Begotten from the Dead.” He ascended to the right hand of God to make intercession for us and became the head of His Church. As promised, He will return bodily from heaven to receive unto himself the dead in Christ first, then those who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. (I Thess. 4:17) Glorified believers will comprise His heavenly kingdom and will make up the “clouds” (Rev 1:7) returning with Him when he establishes His Kingdom upon the earth.

God the Holy Spirit

God, the Holy Spirit is the “Operating Cause” and executes the divine purposes according to the Holy Scriptures. He was poured out as “the promise of the Father” on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2 and was evidenced by each believer speaking in other tongues. We believe this remains the scriptural pattern for the entire Church Age. He also distributes the nine gifts of the Spirit according to His own will. He is the author of the fruit of the Spirit as Christ is formed in the believer.

The Fall of Man and Redemption

The human race is fallen through the temptation and fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. A sentence of death was passed upon all men for all have sinned. Hence, every one born of Adam is responsible to hear and receive the gospel. All who believe become “born again” and receive eternal life as a free gift which is not of works. Thereafter, the will of God is the believer’s sanctification and growth in Christ through the Word of God and by yielding to the in-working and out-working of the Holy Spirit. As believers in Christ we become “debtors to preach the gospel” to every creature at home and abroad. Mark 16:15, Romans 1:14, 15.

Church Ordinances

Our Lord Jesus Christ left the Church two ordinances to be reverently observed by believers:
(1) Water baptism by emersion acting out the believer’s identification with the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
(2) The Lord’s Supper to be observed on a voluntary basis by partaking of the communion emblems of the bread and the cup in remembrance the Lord’s broken body and shed blood.

Church Membership

The Church is a mystical union of the Lord Jesus Christ as the head over the collective members of His Body, the Church, who have been “born again” through His person and work. Therefore, no other membership requirements are deemed necessary for fellowship with the local body of believers. All support of the local body is on a voluntary basis.

Eternal Realities

There is a literal heaven, the dwelling place of the Godhead and the final destiny of the redeemed. There is a literal hell, a place of eternal punishment prepared for Satan, the Devil and his angels and all who reject the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Church’s Distinctive Calling

The Church is the mystical union of Christ and the members of His Body out of which there is the high calling of the Bride. The Church has a distinctive calling as part of the dispensation committed to the Apostle Paul and as described in his fourteen epistles. After the Church is either raised from the dead or “caught up” by rank and order (I Cor. 15:23) to meet the Lord in the air, they will inherit a heavenly kingdom.

Israel’s Distinctive Calling

We accept the national restoration of Israel in 1948 and the return of her capitol city, Jerusalem, in 1967 as the sign of the “fig tree” (Matt 24:32) and as the fulfillment of the “times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24). However, we believe Israel’s spiritual restoration and the receiving of their earthly kingdom is yet future and will follow the resurrection and rapture of the Church to meet the Lord in the air.

Our Distinctive Message

We believe in Dispensationalism and hold to a Pre-millennial return of Christ. We also believe that the Day of the Lord, which will last one thousand years and is the seventh day, is now breaking in the heavens. We are now in the Seventh Millennial Day since creation according to the Millennial Day Principle of “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years,” Psalms 90:4 and II Peter 3:8. The seven day pattern of creation establishes this principle, Genesis 2:2, “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day”. Therefore, we place special emphasis on ministering the “more sure Word of prophecy” which includes searching into “times and seasons” according to I Thessalonians 5.

Service Times:

Sunday Services

Bible Study – 10:20 am
Morning Service  – 11:00 am
Evening Service  – 6:30 pm

Wednesday Service

Bible Study – 7:00 pm

Contact Us:

Pastors:  858 277-0710

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